These little buddies are fun companions, but they require regular care and attention to be healthy. Many of these pets require a very particular environment to thrive, and it’s important you have a veterinarian experienced in their care to help.
We can examine and treat all kinds of small mammals, including:
- Ferrets
- Rabbits
- Gerbils/hamsters/mice/rats
- Guinea pigs
Most illnesses in these animals are the result of incorrect care. They can also carry disease, so you must be aware of proper handling and hygiene.
Once you adopt your pet, schedule a wellness exam so we can assist you in learning about how to properly care for, feed, and identify problems in your new friend.
We see a wide variety of pets, so if your companion is a little more exotic than a cat or dog, call us for an appointment at (406) 333-7001 or book a visit online.